Summer is finally here! I don’t know about you guys, but this year was awkwardly long and short at the same time. Anyway, after seeing a lot of this on social media, I decided that maybe I should make a summer bucket list for myself. Plus, we all know that feeling in middle of the summer when there’s nothing to do and you almost wish that school was back in so I thought that this might help. So here it is: my summer bucket list for 2017! Feel free to share your summer bucket list ideas with me on Twitter or Instagram using #newsthatsparkles ! Also, be sure to check back often because I will be posting every Wednesday, Saturday, and Monday this summer!
1. Get in shape
2. Take a yoga class
3. Go tubing or water skiing
4. Pull an all-nighter
5. Make homemade fruit roll ups
6. Throw an epic pool party
7. Run a race/fun run
8. Start a blog (or build yours up)
9. Make a cute collage on your wall
10. Go to the water park
11. Learn 5+ new recipes
12. Go camping
13. Have at least 1 artsy photo shoot
14. Get good at decorating cakes
15. Volunteer
16. Go horseback riding
17. Make a ‘movie’
18. Go bowling
19. Have a karaoke sleep over
20. Have a movie marathon
21. Learn a new language
23. Go to the zoo
24. Grill pizza
25. Watch a meteor shower
26. Go to the drive-in movie theater
27. Have fun with a slip and slide
28. Get a pedicure/manicure
29. Play flashlight tag
30. Write and sing an original song
31. Go biking
32. Go vegan for a week
33. Go to a fair
34. Have a cookout at the lake
35. Go boating
36. Make homemade ice cream
37. Take pictures at a photo booth
38. Have a picnic
39. Pick wild flowers
40. Give your friends blind makeovers
41. Go to the beach
42. Buy matching outfits with your besties
43. Enter a contest
44. Cook something and tweet a picture to Chef Ramsey
45. Check back at for new articles weekly